CALM CLEAR CONNECT: Virtual Breathe Circles

CALM CLEAR CONNECT: Virtual Breathe Circles

Join me for a virtual gathering where we'll learn and practice deep breathing techniques to the sounds of nature

By Catch A Breath

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8:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Circle Check - In

We check in about intentions. I’ll teach you the breath pattern.

8:15 PM - 8:45 PM

Active Breathing

I’ll lead you through about 30 minutes of active breathing, which you’ll complete lying down or sitting up. I'll guide your experience verbally, accompanied by nature inspired music or sounds

8:45 PM - 9:00 PM

Rest and Debrief

After breathing, you’ll rest and relax. You will also be given time to journal with a monthly prompt. This gives your body a chance to recharge and integrate the healing. You’ll have the chance to sh...

About this event

W hat Is Breathwork?


+ The conscious awareness and use of the breath to enhance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing

+ As much a lifestyle as it is a set of tools and techniques

+ An invitation to slow down, turn in, and engage in a more mindful, intentional life.

The breath allows a moment to pause, to BE, to notice, to observe without forcing, striving, or pushing to do anything/be anywhere

Benefits of Breathwork?

During a breathwork session a number of beautiful things can happen:

+ Reduced feelings of stress/anxiety/ overwhelm and panic

+ Less mental chatter

+ Clearer thinking

+ Ability to break up default thinking patterns

+ Ability to live more in the present moment

+ Increased feelings of gratitude

+ Increased self-awareness

+ Deeper connection with self and others

+ Deeper awareness of where tension is felt and needs to be released in the body

+ More creativity and clarity

+ Overwhelming feelings of love and joy

+ Feeling less reactive and irritable

+ More patience

+ Release of toxins from the body

+ Clearing of unprocessed stress and emotions from the body

+ Improved digestion

+ Improvement in hormonal imbalances

+ Stronger immune system

+ Lower blood pressure

+ Enhanced connection to your intuition

+ Beautiful sense of relaxation and deep inner peace

Benefits of Nature Sounds on Human Health

+ Reduce stress and anxiety

+ Improve focus and concentration

+ Improve the quality of sleep

+ Improve cognitive performance

+ Enhance nervous system function

Your Facilitator

Carmen Chow is the founder of Catch A Breath based in Hong Kong. She is a certified Forest Therapy Practitioner and Certified Functional and Therapeutic Breath Instructor.

Her passion is to walk alongside her client's journey to health and well-being by discovering and experiencing the profound benefits of connecting with nature and harnessing the power of the breath through breathwork. She specializes in nervous system regulation and emotional healing.

Her practice is based on the Calm. Clear. Connect Method, a framework made up of a variety of therapeutic breathing techniques designed to

CALM down and regulate your nervous system

CLEAR stress from your body

Connect you back to your heart

Join the Breathe Circle and experience the synergy of forest therapy and breathwork, and leave every session feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and deeply connected to yourself and the natural world.

To learn more about Catch A Breath visit



Circle Intentions

  • LEARN and PRACTICE one specific breathing techinque
  • CLEAR out stored-up stress
  • Slow down to CALM and regulate your nervous system
  • Connect to your heart through mindful journaling


Joining Breathe Circle is easy - register with your email and you will receive the link in your inbox

Session Capacity: 1:1 and small group size per session


Tickets are available in three tiers of pricing, so please pay what feels right to you :)


  • The Breathe Circle takes place online so you can join us from anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home
  • Please set aside one hour and an environment where you will not be distracted
  • Numbers are kept low and everyone agrees to confidentiality
  • Please create a space to lie down comfortably with any blankets and pillows you might need
  • Wear comfortable clothing | Headphones to help you be fully immersed
  • Bring a water bottle and avoid eating heavy meals before the session
  • A journal for you to write in following your journey (optional)
  • PHONE/ LAPTOP SCREEN TURNED ON for the duration of the session.

No prior experience is necessary. You will be guided through the entire experience.
Come experience the power of your breath in a safe space to the sounds of nature

Please Note:

**If you are/think you may be pregnant, have a severe uncontrolled physical/mental health condition, or have serious cardiovascular health issues, this practice is strongly not recommended.**

Organised by

2 for 1 deal
From HK$50