《雙棲》創作團隊 Two Nests Creation

藉由藝術文化的轉化力量,透過「以陪伴療癒為方法」的創作方式 (Art as Companionship),喚起社會人士對離異及重組家庭的關注。我們策劃一系列文化活動及工作坊,並透過研究與訪問,收集不同離異家庭的真實故事,以藝術文化方式介入社會,讓大眾更明白離異家庭所面對的困難及掙扎,藉以推廣「兒童為本 共享親職」(Child-focus, Co-parenting)。

By transforming community art into power, we use Art as Companionship to arouse the public concern for the divorced and family reconstruction. We organize cultural activities and workshop , and collect true stories of divorced families by interview and research. And by art we let the public understand the difficulties and struggle encountered by the divorced families, so as to promote “Child-focus, Co-parenting”.

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Past (1)

《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》讀劇工作坊 primary image


Sat, Jun 15, 2:00 PM


《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》讀劇工作坊 primary image


Sat, Jun 15, 2:00 PM


藉由藝術文化的轉化力量,透過「以陪伴療癒為方法」的創作方式 (Art as Companionship),喚起社會人士對離異及重組家庭的關注。我們策劃一系列文化活動及工作坊,並透過研究與訪問,收集不同離異家庭的真實故事,以藝術文化方式介入社會,讓大眾更明白離異家庭所面對的困難及掙扎,藉以推廣「兒童為本 共享親職」(Child-focus, Co-parenting)。

By transforming community art into power, we use Art as Companionship to arouse the public concern for the divorced and family reconstruction. We organize cultural activities and workshop , and collect true stories of divorced families by interview and research. And by art we let the public understand the difficulties and struggle encountered by the divorced families, so as to promote “Child-focus, Co-parenting”.


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《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》讀劇工作坊 primary image


Sat, Jun 15, 2:00 PM


《雙棲-單親孩子雙親愛》讀劇工作坊 primary image


Sat, Jun 15, 2:00 PM
