The Price of Justice – Premiere screening  |  紀錄片《公義何價》首映會

The Price of Justice – Premiere screening | 紀錄片《公義何價》首映會

We are delighted to invite you to the premiere screening of the documentary film The Price of Justice, 14 Apr | 誠邀您出席紀錄片《公義何價》 首映會(4月14日晚)


Date and time

Starts on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 19:30 HKT


Wang Gungwu Theatre, Graduate House, HKU

No. 3 University Drive The Jockey Club Building Hong Kong, HKI Hong Kong

About this event

Please arrive by 19:15 as the screening will start at 19:30 (55 mins – English and Tagalog, with Chinese subtitles) and will be followed by a short panel discussion. Panel members will include:

Diana Jou, lecturer at Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong (moderator);

Ivan Abreu, director of The Price of Justice;

Fish Ip, regional coordinator (Asia) at International Domestic Workers Federation;

Carla Temporosa, domestic worker activist.


放映將於晚上 19:30 準時開始,請於 19:15 前到達並就座。影片時長共計55分鐘 - 英文和他加祿語對白/中文字幕,隨後將進行簡短的映後交流。

出席映後會的嘉賓為:香港大學新聞及傳媒中心講師 Diana Jou(主持人)、《公義的代價》導演 Ivan Abreu、國際家務工聯會亞洲區域統籌 葉沛渝 以及家務移工工運活躍份子 Carla Temporosa

Further information 影片詳情

The Price of Justice is a documentary film that follows four Filipino women as they seek redress from former employers in Hong Kong.

The film exposes the challenges migrant domestic workers face bringing cases against former employers for wrongful dismissal—often linked to long-term illness or pregnancy—unpaid wages, and physical abuse. Each of the women has to navigate the complex government bureaucracy, spending long hours sitting in waiting rooms and tribunal sessions in a frustrating process often taking months, if not years. Thousands give up and return home empty-handed, settle for much less than they are owed, or never file a case at all. Many of those who do file a case remain in limbo, living in charitable shelters, unable to work, as court cases drag on. Few get what they are entitled to due to the government’s emphasis on ‘conciliation’. Employers, aware that the longer the process drags on the more likely it is that the worker will give up, offer lesser amounts in an attempt to ‘starve them out. The domestic workers, driven by the need to earn money for their families back home, often settle.


本紀錄片揭露移民家務工因僱主無理解僱 – 多數是由於長期病患或懷孕 – 或是欠薪,或受到人身傷害,提出控訴期間遇到的種種困難。片中的每位移工,都經歷過層層繁瑣的官僚程序,以及在等候室和訴訟法庭之間漫長的等待。冗長難熬的訴訟程序可能長達數個月,甚至數年,數以千計的移工因不敵這些障礙而在中途放棄,在沒有任何賠償下回鄉,或是同意接受極不公平的和解協議,更多的根本不會提出任何控訴。提出訴訟的移工,在索償過程中因爲不能工作,只能依靠慈善庇護所,勉强生活。極少數的移工能在政府所謂的調停制度下,得到她們應得的賠償。無良僱主深知程序越長,移民工越容易放棄,而提出極低的和解金額,將訴訟拖長,令她們知難而退;受苛待的移工,通常因急需儘快繼續工作養家,而同意和解。

The film was commissioned by the Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions (FADWU) with support from the International Labour Organisation's 'Fair Recruitment’ programme and Oxfam Hong Kong. It is accompanied by a research report into the barriers migrant domestic workers face accessing justice. The bi-lingual report (Chinese and English) is available at:

The film was produced by Rights Exposure, an award-winning consultancy providing communication solutions for positive social change.

本紀錄片是由香港亞洲家務工工會聯會(FADWU),以及國際勞工組織的《公平招聘》項目(Fair Recruitment Programme)與香港樂施會共同撥款委托,並附有一份有關移民家務工尋求公義時面對困難的研究報告。報告以中英文雙語版本發佈,可於以下網址下載:

本紀錄片由 Rights Exposure 製作。Rights Exposure致力為改善社會的項目提供有關公共傳播的服務,貢獻曾獲嘉獎肯定。

IMDb profile 影片資料網頁:

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