波特及杜罗河品酒讲座 Porto & Douro Wine Tasting Seminar

波特及杜罗河品酒讲座 Porto & Douro Wine Tasting Seminar

By Women of Wine Festival


深圳 - 上海 - 北京

Shenzhen - Shanghai - Beijing China


活动全满。欲参与同类型活动,请关注我们的网站 mwminternational.com 微信 @DebraMeiburgMW
All events are full house. To join our future events, please visit our website: mwminternational.com or WeChat @DebraMeiburgMW

本培训课程由国际葡萄牙酒专家亚历山大 · 拉拉斯主讲,並为葡萄酒行业从业人员、学生及葡萄酒爱好者而设。认识世界上最早被划定和管制的葡萄酒产区:杜罗河流域及其原产地命名 - 波特产区与杜罗河产区。 由个性迷人的杜罗河产区静止葡萄酒,至名闻四海的波特产区加强葡萄酒,主讲嘉宾皆会逐一探讨他们所展现的优秀而独特的风土特质。

深圳 (6月26日), 上海 (6月28日), 北京 (6月30日)

  • 杜罗河葡萄酒讲座 / 10:00 - 11:30 (所有城市皆告满座)
  • 波特葡萄酒及加强葡萄酒讲座 / 12:00 - 13:30 (所有城市皆告满座)
  • 波特加强葡萄酒与巧克力配搭 / 15:30 - 17:00 (所有城市皆告满座)


  • +86 18501701529
  • ?香港: +852 2515 0178
  • info@mwminternational.com

Hosted by international Portuguese wine expert Alexandre Lalas, this training course is designed for wine trade and HORECa professionals, as well as wine students. Meet the world’s oldest delimited and regulated wine region: ?the Douro and its designations of origin, Port and Douro. From the fascinating personality of Douro still wines to the acclaimed prestige of Ports, discover the excellence of a unique terroir.

Shenzhen (26 Jun), Shanghai (28 Jun), Beijing (30 Jun)

  • DOURO WINES SEMINAR / 10:00 - 11:30 (FULL HOUSE for all cities)
  • PORT WINES SEMINAR / 12:00 - 13:30 (FULL HOUSE for all cities)
  • PORT & CHOCOLATE / 15:30 - 17:00 (FULL HOUSE for all cities)


  • +86 18501701529
  • Hong Kong : +852 2515 0178
  • info@mwminternational.com

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